Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Watch out !!

What a serious SWINE INFLUENZA there is !!!!

So for everyone take care your body,please ~~

Monday, 27 April 2009

Mark the past paper

For the first one I couldn't read it clearly. So skip to the other one .Nara's!!!

Question One:

Let's see Part A, I gave her 1 mark.because she didn't tell us what is secondary research.

Part B, I gave her 1 mark because she didn't say it is a planning of income for a business .

Part C, no mark for this one I think, because what did she write is not the answer to this question ,the question is asking the characteristics of a entrepreneur as Paul Stamp.So will should answer the characteristics of a entrepreneur .That should be something like innovation, risk taking ,determination, relevant skill and expertise....but what she write is nothing close I think... So in my opinion no mark for this question

Then Part D, 2 mark she talked about why Paul should have the secondary research .

Part E 10 mark there is no calculate wrong.

Question two:

Part A,I gave her 2 mark.Because she had mentioned the cost of the cost of buy a new premise and also she said about the population is important but both of them she didn't talk much . She also need to say something like the fund for purchase and also should say something about the customs . And the competitors ...

Part B ,3 mark She had mentioned there will be a limited liabilities if he become a partnership company .And also she said Paul can get more ideas and she has mentioned about the finance but nothing else . So she didn't say the conclusion and advantages and disadvantages which is poor.

Part C,2 mark because she didn't answer about how the primary research and secondary research helps the business.
There fore totally she has 21 mark for this past paper. Just in my opinion.

Sunday, 26 April 2009

Evaluate costs and benefits of indirect taxes

There are two types of taxation one is direct tax the other one is indirect tax .Direct tax is the tax on income of people or firms and it cannot be avoided .Indirect tax is the tax levied on goods and services .For example VAT is a kind of indirect tax.

The benefits of indirect tax are : To levied tax on goods and services is a good way to control the demand and supply.For example tax on cigarette or on alcohol such as these de-merit goods the consumption of them will certainly fall but because the price of demand elasticity of them is inelastic so the demand won't fall much. people will still but it.But can reduce a Small amount and also the tax revenue will be more for government . And also except the tax on de-merit goods also will have tax on merit good so if it is a merit good the most tax will pay by consumers but if it is a de-merit goods the most cost will pay by suppliers. (the tax diagram)

The costs of indirect tax Will be : If the government charge a highly indirect tax people do not want to pay high price for the goods which is them want to buy ,so they will go the black market
into the informal economy to purchase so that will make a market failure.We will turn to a even worse situation.

Discuss the costs and benefits of government subsidies

Government subsidies is a payment given by the government to encourage production or consumption of a product. So it is a part of government budget and it is government spending.

So let's say some benefits of government subsidies : Government subsidies is a kind of government spending so which means it is a injections for the economy.And also is the government give subsidies for firms they will have more money to produce for example they could buy more machinery or recruit more labour which is also helps the unemployment .Anyway firms will be able to have more capital. Which means will have more investment for businesses.And also if the firm are able to produce more and recruit more labour there will be less unemployment so more and more people will able to spend so the consumption also goes up.And if there are more employment will be more income tax and less job seeker allowance .so also good for the government budget. So as we know government spending , Investment and Consumption are components of aggregate demand (AD=C+I+G+(X-M))so if any of these has increased the aggregate demand will also increased (the multiplier effect) so on a AS,AD diagram AD should shift to the right.which is a short run economic growth real GDP has gone up.

And then let us look at some costs of give subsidies by government:If the government give subsidies to firms the government will increase so there will be a bigger budget deficit.And also Subsidies as a government spending there is a opportunity cost of it .For example if the government give the subsidies to some businesses then there will be less money spend on the health and education etc. And also if government give some subsidies to a firm which needs imports for their material .They will purchase more import goods which is going to make a current account deficit .

Saturday, 25 April 2009

Discuss the benefits of having a high employment rate.

Having a high employment rate means that have a low unemployment rate.Unemployment which is the people who doesn't have a job but able and willing to have a job.And we know that unemployment is one of the macroeconomic performances.We want to achieve low unemployment in our economy .Which is also means we want to achieve a high employment . So let's discuss the benefits of having high employment.

Firstly a high employment could helps the government budget .Because if the employment is high means less unemployment so less job seeker allowance the government have to give.So that make government spending less and also a lot of people have a job and the will able to pay tax So the government also can get more tax revenue so that may leads to a government budget surplus and government will have more money are able to spending on the right place for example the NHS ,schools or to give some subsidy to business companies to encourage them to produce.So the second on is because if the employment rate is high more people will more likely to spend so consumption will be high .And also because the reason government subsity and consumption are high firms get more invertment and prouduce.So we know the formula AD=C+I+G+(X-M) so that if the Consumption goes up the Government spending goes up the investment also goes up aggergate demand will also increase ( a graph should be show which is the AD shift to the right).And if the AD increase real GDP will increase as well.And then will have a short run economic growth and will created more jobs and more people will get a job~ And the third one I want to say about is if the a high employment rate may cause a high inflation .( demand pull inflation)...

A high employment rate means that the economy is strong !

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

I must know these

Account for
Asks students to explain a particular situation or a particular outcome. Students are expected to present a reasoned case for the existence of something. For example: Account for the rise in unemployment shown in the table of data.

Here you are being asked to provide a comparison in detail of the causes and any possible effects of how the thing under consideration has developed or happened. Wherever it is possible ,try to give examples, this is especially true if the material offered has examples within it. If the term “critically" is prior to the term analyse. This is telling you that you need to make suggestions as to possibly why or why not something may or may not, in your own opinion, be appropriate considering the issue or event being analysed. Always try to offer support to your findings and/or opinions. For example: Analyse the extent to which foreign aid promotes economic development.

This as the word suggests is asking you to apply your knowledge of a particular thing, say the monetary or fiscal policy, to a given situation. It is asking you to relate your own specific knowledge of the issue from the syllabus area to the particular situation that has been given to you.

Asks students to measure and judge the magnitude or quality of something. Students may offer differing assessments as they present the reasoning for their conclusion. For example: Assess the economic implications of the movement of many eastern and central European countries from planned economies to market economies.

This type of question is normally asking you to use specific knowledge' that you should have i.e. a formula. When doing a question like this it is important to show each step or stage of an calculation used. For example: Calculate the PED for a price change of $4.00 to $4.40.

A comment question requires you to draw some conclusions about the issue under consideration. This is often from the result of your considerations, workings and/or calculations have told you about the problem that you have been given.
Compare/Compare and contrast
Asks students to describe two situations and present the similarities and differences between them. A description of the two situations does not on its own meet the requirements of this key term. For example: Compare the effectiveness of demand-side policies to supply-side policies in reducing the level of unemployment.

A consider question is asking for reflections on the different options/alternatives that may exist to resolve / solve / defeat or possibly correct the problem that has been posed.

When asked to define it is essential that a very clear and correct definition is given of a specific word or concept. For example: Define what is meant by a free-trade area.

Asks students to provide a description of a given situation. It is a neutral request to present a detailed picture. For example: Describe the main roles of the IMF and the World Bank.

Asks students to consider a statement or to offer a considered review of or balanced argument about a particular topic. For example: Discus the view that trade is more effective than aid in promoting economic development.

Asks students to make clear their understanding of similar terms. For example: Distinguish between normal and supernormal profit.

Invites students to make an appraisal of a situation. Students should weigh the nature of the evidence available and discuss the convincing aspects of an argument as well as its implications and limitations, and the less convincing elements within an argument. For example: Evaluate alternative policies designed to reduce inflation.
Evaluation occurs when a judgment is made. It is the weighing or measuring of factors followed by an attempt to give relative weight to those factors. Questions that begin "evaluate", "assess", "critically assess", "discuss" or "to what extent" require students to show their skills of evaluation in order to reach the highest achievement levels.
There are many ways that students can be encouraged to improve their skills of evaluation.
When factors such as causes, consequences or remedies are asked for, students should attempt to identify the most important ones and then to justify the reason for the choice.
When advantages and disadvantages are asked for, students should attempt to identify the most important advantage (or disadvantage) and then justify the reason for the choice.
When strategies are asked for, students should attempt to assess the short term and long term implications.
When data is offered, students may question its validity, in terms of whether it is appropriate, whether it is reliable, or whether it is still relevant
When summarizing a theory, students may question its validity, in terms of whether it is appropriate, whether it is reliable, or whether it is still relevant.

Directs students to describe clearly, make intelligible and give reasons for a concept or idea. For example: Explain why a monopolist may charge different prices to different customers for the same service.

A how question requires the details be explained about how something is achieved or has been stopped or whatever other exercise the question is asking you to perform.

A justify question is asking a student to explain the reasons why or for what reason something is happening or maybe not happening.

Outline really only requires the main features relating to the issue to be given. Try to say the reason why a thing may or may not happen.

To what extent
Asks students to evaluate the success or otherwise of one argument or concept over another. Students should present a conclusion, supported by arguments. For example: To what extent should LDCs adopt outward-oriented strategies rather than inward-oriented strategies to promote economic development?

Asks students to clarify the nature of something, in contrast to either a temporal dimension (when?) or a spatial dimension (where?) For example: What is the difference between a tariff and a quota? .

What is
This question calls for the student to give an explanation about something. It should be fairly obvious as to what is the central theme or part of a question and the topic you are being asked to address.

This question is asking you to make a decision from the range of choices, decisions or methods etc. You must offer reasons as to why you chose to support the decision that you did.

Invites students to present reasons for the existence of something. This command word implies a powerful requirement to present a judgment. It is similar to the Invitation "account for". For example: Why do prices tend to be stable in an oligopolistic industry?
Source: http://www.tuition.com.hk/dictionary/essay.htm
41 tips and strategies to get an A grade

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Case study

The question was : All Hoggard Organics' shop managers in the UK will be expected to draw up cash flow forecasts and budgets for their individual shops.To what extent might the use of these techniques increase the company's chance of success?

My answer is:

Cash flow forecast is detailed estimate of a firm's future cash inflows and outflows per month. And a budget is a forward financial plan usually involving a cash flow forecast ,forecast sales and forecast costs. So in this case we have "Hoggard Organics "is a multiple shop which has a chain of 100 shops across Canada and the USA.Now it also want to develop in the UK. First let talk about cash flow we all know that cash flow is very important for a business .You can know how much the money coming in and going out of the business. Because you have to keep enough cash in your business otherwise when you want to improve your business then you cannot.So it is necessary to do a cash flow forecast.Cash flow forecast can help the business attract more invest to make more confidence in a business .Because they need enough cash to run the business well and to dealing with the possible problems during running the business .And then about the budget I think to run a business at least you have to have a budget for your business ,to make you think how much are you going to cost and how mush are you going to sale also how much profit are you going to make etc.Then you will like have a target and you will try to achieve the biggest profit. After all no matter is the cash flow forecast or the budget ,they are all very important and necessarily in a business .
So the question said they need to draw up the cash flow forecast and the budget for their individual shops .Yes I think they should be do that because each shops indifferent area may have a different situation.So The better thing for them is each shops can have their own plan.that will be more concentration on the particular problem for each shop.
To do a cash flow forecast and a budget helps them to know their business and more confident for running the business and the will able to face the risk in the future . Sounds very good .But there also are so problems with this if the calculate the cash flow wrongly they will get everything wrong about the cash spending which will affect a lot in the business for example they thought if they buy some new equipments they still have enough cash for something else but actually they don't ... It may be make a fail in the business so the same in budget For instance if the actual figure are smaller then what they thought it will be demotivating for the labour.... So something like those about if they made a mistake...
At the last I should say do a cash flow forecast and a budget could increase the changes of success if they do it correctly.

OOO~ my answer is over . Is the answer any good ? Please give me some comments on it . I still not sure how should I consider about question like that still don't know how to discuss and how to evaluate questions ... Because I am just start thinking of business....Actually It is difficult T_T... So please give me more help about my poor business... Thanks a lots!!!

Monday, 20 April 2009

"K9 Kalmer" dog quieter

Do you sometime found dogs are very noisy?No matter yours or your neighbour's'.Especially when you have to work or you need a quiet environment they are really bored~

This k9 kalmer can plays an irresistible, proprietary composition of music, which your dog can hear but is otherwise inaudible to humans. This melody will lure attention away from anxiety producing stimuli and result in a dog's version of tranquility. When used in a systematic way, the K9 Kalmer will make this Easy installationbehavior a permanent part of a dog's life. And also it 's completely pain free. It will reduce And this not only can use on your dog but also can use to your neighbour's dog! So that can solve real problem~ The music can go through a 100 yard range and travels through fences and over walls.

The unit is easily mounted to walls, or may sit on any flat surface. The unit may also be mounted under outside eaves, virtually hidden, due to its water resistant casing. The K9 Kalmer is easy to use and has simple one button operation.

And I think theadvantages are:
  1. Can avoid the noisy from dogs totally when you do not want to hear it
  2. Good design and using new technology rational design
  3. Easy to control and Easy to installation
  4. And it is a market nichine because there is no pain free quiteter of dogs


  1. It makes dog quiet forever because The K9 Kalmer will make the tranquil behavior become a permanent part of a dog's life. So there is something loss I think. maybe dogs' nature should not be
  2. It's not respect others when you use The K9 Kalmer to others dogs before you get their agree So the aim of the business in some way is not so good
  3. you can't exactly shut the dog up which you want you will affect many dogs around even though they are quitet
  4. And one of the aims to have a dog is to keep save , like avoid thieves .But after use The K9 Kalmer I believe that the dogs will lost this function.
  5. Can be harmful no matter for dogs or for people.

Sunday, 19 April 2009

Using Break-Even analysis to make decision

Break-Even shows the minimum level of sales needed to cover costs by comparing the sales revenue with the fixed and variable costs of a business .

Break-Even point = Fixed cost / Unit contribution

Unit contribution = Selling price - Variable costs

Total contribution = unit contribution times Quantity

The benefits to use a Break-Even point :

  • Enable the business to forecast the costs ,output,and profits.

  • Helps the business persuade the bank to lend them money

  • Knowing the break- even point and margin of safety allow manager to make business decision more accurately

But Still there are also some problems to use Break -even :

  • It cannot prevent the sudden change in market
  • if the data is wrong the result will be totally wrong then will affect you business
  • It always assumes that variable costs rise constantly-if the business bulk purchasing the goods with discount the cost won't go up

So when start a business you need to consider carefully! Do you really need it !

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

My answer

The question was" To what extent does the experience of Nick Hess and Foodeaze show that break-even analysis is of little value to an entrepreneur starting a new business? "

So my answer is :

Break-even means no profit and no loss .So to have the break-even can help you to do the budget, you can know how many products you have to sell to cover your total cost. So good for a start business to make a business plan .And for a starting business they want to have a break-even .Because if they have a break-even at the least they are not losing.

But still break-even not always can be analysed and considered because the break-even is considered as everyting are not change it just needs to think about the cost and the revenue so sometimes it is not a real figure ,sometimes are inaccurate.

So I think for a starting business break-even is helpful but the business can't compelly believe in break-even.

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

New starting...

Today is the first school day for us .I think everything isn't change just like before . And we will continue our normal lives.Day after day.

I feel a little disappointed about the situation now.I found I have lost the direction of my life.Even at the last I don't know what do I want to do ... That's really sad! I just know that I have to work hard if not I will achieve nothing.I clearly know that.But still I think no matter how hard am I there also are still have a big difference between me and a good university.Then don't say I haven't even start to work hard... So I feel bad about the future , sometime I can't really control myself.one of my disadvantages is I can't keep to do things. But really I had tried to work hard and I could see I was really improved because of that... But now I am lazy again...T.T... Poor me...

So now I have to try to control myself again ,put myself into study again,and try to do my best to work hard again. And get away from lazy and sad. I should be optimistic about my future ,now try to start to design my own life in the future,because I have to take charge for myself, because I am getting older... I have the responsibility to make me better and better.

So with the start of a new term I will start to be a new me. Of course I will be a good ,working hard and try to be a top student. Find my confidence back ,find my determination back. From now on. Come on ,I believe I can figure that out.

Anyway no matter what do I decide and what do I do now ,I hope I will not to repent !! So just to do what should I do! I know I can ,I know I will...!